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He even helps me get ideas for how to fix problems I’m having in my research because I tend to be a very linear thinker and he’s not. But whenever I’m having a conversation with someone and the inevitable “so what does your husband do? ” question comes up, I can’t help but cringe. Because I love this guy so, so much, but society as a whole seems to look down on anyone who doesn’t have a job. As if we’re defined by our careers and nothing else. Yet, I still feel guilty/ashamed when I have to answer that question with “he’s unemployed.” People I’m close with get it, but the question still comes up often when I’m talking with new people .

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There is nothing wrong with understanding that you just usually find yourself more drawn to those with a specific trait/background. Just accept that it is not impossible for you to fall in love with someone different. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with preferring to be with someone with a similar educational background. This way, you are more likely to want the same things in life and be going in the same direction. There is nothing prejudiced about believing this is just more convenient/realistic for you.

Really Think About What Matters

This happened twice in my very small lab, and countless other times in our building. I spent two years working at a Very Prestigious Science Institution in the US. Yes, could definitely be a case of projection/unhappiness on the part of the judgers.

Again this is a very personal decision, as is every step of the dating process. There is no one right answer here, but it’s crucial to decide just how important of a role education plays in a potential match. I’m not telling you not to have standards when it comes to who you want to date, but I am however telling you that maybe dating someone with higher education may not be as big of a deal as you may think.

And if someone were to ask me how I do that, it’s just that I know my limits and I’m absolutely adamant about them. I need a lot of sleep, and a regular amount of sleep, and time to eat, and some downtime to focus just on myself and my hobbies. And maintaining all that helps me so much with all my academic work. If I’m well-rested and not hungry I can focus 100% on the task at hand for hours, something that has worked really well for me in the last few years. I’m a lawyer, not an academic, but I see this gendered discussion playing out all.

Your boyfriend is awesome and that’s all that matters. And Captain, you’ve inspired me to be more open about my personal life with my school friends. I’m almost done my PhD, and have learned many things from it, but one of the things I’ve finally ‘got’ is that it really doesn’t matter! If you enjoy the process and what you’re learning, and are able to live a decent balanced life, it can be a worthwhile experience; if not, it’s not. My partner has his bachelor’s and dropped out of a master’s program several years ago. Meanwhile, his brother barely graduated from high school and is married to a college professor with a PhD.

Did you get a job without a college degree? Reach out to these reporters to share your story at , , and Such attacks on colleges over the years might have caused Republicans to question the skill benefits of a college education. A 2016 Pew survey found that 58% of Republicans, including those who said they lean toward the party, think skill acquisition should be the “main purpose” of college compared to 43% of their Democratic counterparts. But, among those worried about the direction of US higher education, 73% of Republicans think college is failing to teach these compared to 56% of Democrats, according to 2018 Pew data. Today’s concerns about student debt and workplace readiness mean “the ideological argument takes on a lot more power,” Bunch said.

When I finally met my big, I knew right away. She was so fun and easy to talk to that I knew we would be really good friends, but a big is even more than a friend. They really are like family in the sense that they look out for you no matter what and help you adjust to college and sorority life. In the meantime, Tillman-French believes there’s a path for advancement at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

New York deserves a representative as flawless as Blair. Blair has the most impeccable style and she would without a doubt require her citizens to adopt her fashion sense. I’d give it a week before every girl in the state started matching their headbands to their handbags. She has the drive to be the best and that sort of ambition is needed in a leader.

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You told him that you were anxious that your relationship with him would harm your career, which, whatever your intentions and however much you love him, is an anxiety underpinned by some really unpleasant classist stuff. But by the sounds of it, he didn’t pick a fight, take offense or make it about him at all, but instead offered you concrete solutions to ease your worries . Speaking as someone who struggles with anxiety, I have to say that a partner who will respond in such a practical, supportive, ego-free way to it is worth their weight in gold.

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What you are describing isn’t a failure, on your boyfriend’s part, to be or do a certain thing, but some seriously ugly classism and a massive failure of imagination in yourself and in your peers. The more you reframe it that way the less you’ll be tempted to apologize or justify something that requires no justification or apology. It’s an extension of the way that the country has been moving for years now, he explained, https://hookupsranked.com/ referencing that the number of undergraduate students has decreased since 2009, but the amount of graduate students has increased. Some of these men are going back to school as well. The percentage of exiting workers enrolled in school by the time they left work increased “modestly” from 11% to 14% over the last 20 years, Wu found. Many men aren’t feeling good about the social status they can attain through work.

College grads typically marry college grads. But this trend of associative mating will hit some turbulence, at least among heterosexual people; if present trends continue, the dating pool of college grads could include two women for every guy. As women spend more time in school and their male peers dwindle as a share of the college population, further delays in marriage and childbirth may ensue.